Dr. Gabriele Fuchs
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
RNA Institute LS2033F
University at Albany SUNY
Email: [email protected]
Department of Biological Sciences
RNA Institute LS2033F
University at Albany SUNY
Email: [email protected]
Academic Positions, Education and Training
- Assistant Professor [September 2015-Present]
- Basic Life Science Research Associate [August 2012-August 2015]
Microbiology and Immunology Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
- Postdoctoral Fellow [October 2007-July 2012]
Microbiology and Immunology Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
- Postdoctoral Associate [January 2007-August 2007]
Cell Biology Department, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
- Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.) [November 2002-December 2006]
Professor Wolfgang Wintermeyer, Witten/Herdecke University, Witten, Germany
Witten/Herdecke University, Witten, Germany
- Diplom (M.S.) Biochemistry [October 2003]
- Vordiplom (B.S.) Biochemistry [September 2000]
Professional Affiliations
- 2004 - present RNA society
- 2008 - present German Academic International Network (GAIN)
- 2016 - present Carl Correns Foundation for Mathematical Biology
Oral Presentations
Since September 2015
- “Ribosome composition as a regulator of translation” Workshop in scientific collaboration (WISC)- Modifications of Molecular Medicine. University at Albany. November 30, 2018
- “Women (and men) who shaped my scientific career.” Women in Science and Health (WISH). Wadsworth Center and University at Albany, SUNY. February 9, 2018
- “Cracking the Ribosome Code”. Junior STEM Idea Exchange (JUSIE). University at Albany, SUNY. May 19, 2017
- “Cracking the Ribosome Code”. Junior STEM Idea Exchange (JUSIE). University at Albany, SUNY. May 10, 2016
- “The role of specialized ribosomes in protein biosynthesis.” Workshop in scientific collaboration (WISC) - Expanding the Life Sciences Toolkit. University at Albany. April 8, 2016
- “Posttranslational modifications in RPS25 affect poliovirus IRES translation and virus yield.” 3rd Annual Symposium on RNA Science: Epitranscriptomics, University at Albany. March 18, 2016
- “The role of specialized ribosomes in protein biosynthesis.” College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, SUNY Polytechnic Institute. February 1, 2016
- “The role of specialized ribosomes in protein biosynthesis.” Department of Chemistry, Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf (Germany). January 7, 2016
- “The role of specialized ribosomes in protein biosynthesis.” Hudson Valley RNA Club, University at Albany. December 12, 2015
Prior to September 2015
- “Post-translational modifications in RPS25 affect poliovirus IRES translation and virus yield.” National Cancer Institute NCI. September 2014
- “Fluorescent-labeling of human 40S ribosomal subunits to probe dynamics of HCV IRES-mediated translation initiation” Gabriele Fuchs, Alexey N. Petrov, Caleb D. Marceau, Lauren M. Popov, Jan E. Carette, Joseph D. Puglisi, and Peter Sarnow. ($ equal contribution) CSHL Translational Control meeting. September 2 - 6, 2014
- “Ribosome Composition and Translational Control.” Department of Cell Biology, Yale University. July 2014
- “Ribosome Composition and Translational Control during Viral Infection” University of California, San Francisco. July 2013
- “Posttranslational modifications of RPS25 affect poliovirus IRES translation and virus yield” Fuchs G, Diges CM, Kohlstaedt LA, Carette, JE, Sarnow P. CSHL Translational Control meeting. September 6 - 10, 2012
- "Recognition of misfolded RNAs by the Ro60 kDa autoantigen" Fuchs G, Stein AJ, Fu C, Reinisch KM, and Wolin SL. Annual meeting of the RNA Society. 2006